Returning Phone Calls & Emails

During a music business networking event I approached an associate and asked them why they hadn't returned any of my phone calls and emails after contacting me about doing business? They said they weren't able to do what they wanted do to budget cuts. My response was I overstand, but what does that have to do with you returning my phone calls and/or emails. They said they apologized.

Had I been someone who they thought could seriously advance their music business or career they would have extended the professional courtesy of responding to my messages.

The music business is a small network of professionals. When you don't work for a major company you tend to make it a point to treat everyone special as you don't always know where your next client or contract will come from.

In order to keep your name good with as many people as possible it makes sense to return phone calls and/or emails even if you are unable to pursue an original business arrangement. Treat everyone like they have a mulit-million dollar contract for you and you'll find yourself building solid business relationships. Remember you never know who will be in a position to do business with you sometime in the future.


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