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What does this have to do with the music industry you may ask? More importantly how does any of this help or hurt your music business and music career?
Over the past few weeks I've had private conversations with many people in the music business who are in the top 10% of income earners in the United States ($250,000+ annually). All of them have told me how their businesses have taken significant losses (decreased sales/sells and cash flow).
Music sells continue to decline, music conference attendance continues to decrease and job layoffs continue to mount. Due to significant increases in fuel and food prices and overall consumer goods it has made it financially difficult for many people to travel in pursuit of achieving their goals and realizing their potential.
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We are going through what some call a market correction. You see after years of excess spending, wasting and not planting and nurturing, the economy as a whole and the music business in particular said enough is enough. Remember everything has its' life cycle.
You should know that before it gets better things may get worse, so tighten your belt strap and prepare to ride, but there's good news, perhaps GREAT NEWS should you continue in the pursuit of happiness in achieving your goals and realizing your potential in life in general and the music business in particular. The GREAT NEWS is that in no other time in the history of mankind has the entrepreneur and small business owner been able to participate in the global economy without having to leave the comfort of their own home office.
My own testimony may be biased I admit, but it's true, I make money online in the music business. I literally have the opportunity to generate an unlimited amount of revenue day after day, month after month and year after year. It's no easy task, but like my friends, business associates and perhaps like you, I too am negatively effected by the downturn in the U.S. economy in general and the music industryin particular.
I am MOTIVATED TO WIN, I see opportunity when others see defeat! My current condition may be the cause of others, but that's the slave mentality. My current existence is the SUM TOTAL of my thoughts, words, actions and in actions up until this very moment, for I was born in the likeness and image of the CREATOR and have been given dominion over the earth and things.
As the sun rises each morning and sets each evening, as babies are born, become adults and return from whence they came I'm reminded that everything has a life cycle. Our economy in general and the music industry in particular is no different as they can't escape the natural order of things for with the pull of gravity that which goes up will come down and that which is down will go up as long as the earth continues to spin on its' axes.
The Music Industry Connection Book Series are no ordinary music books for each of the books have the GET CASH CAMPAIGN. The details in the back of the books may assist you in generating more money in the music business. You may download one or all of the Music Industry Connection Books by clicking on the links and images within this message. Additionally, you may want to become an Affiliate of ARMusic1 and help others get in direct contact with major label A&R's. By Becoming an Affiliate you position yourself to earn residual/passive income. These are but two ways that you may start earning money in the music business.
Within this message you'll a number of resources that may help you BOOST YOUR BUSINESS AND MUSIC CAREER. It is up to you to visit these sites and blogs and learn how to make money online and off. I am MOTIVATED TO WIN or YOU?
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