Broke in the Music Business

I'd asked a young man if he were going to be at the Come Claim the Mic Music Conference in Birmingham recently. His response was "I wish, but I'm broke." My response was as follows...

Being broke and being rich are states of mind. Money comes and goes, we can't eat it, nor can we wipe our assets with it.

The question one would ask is what value can one bring to other people and/or businesses. When you figure out how to bring value to others you'll figure out what to sell. In figuring out what to sell, you'll position yourself to make money.

I long figured that I'm able to organize thoughts and people. Organizing thoughts and people has led me to presenting conferences [on how to make money online], seminars & workshops [on the music business], writing blogs, ebooks, books, building websites and creating a number of videos. In addition, I consult with a number of companies to improve their bottom lines and market their corporations.

I suggest you visit both JaWar, Make Money Online Goldmine, Make Money Online, and Music Industry Connection. On these sites you'll find a number of resources, tips, links and information to help you boost your career and make money on the Internet.