Music Business 7-Day Action Plan

I've began putting up a 7-Day (challenge) Action Plan on a number of forums online. The objective is to get people moving in a forward motion, so that they may accomplish their 12 month goals by doing a little something every 7-days.

Below is part of one of my original post and a conversation that brewed from it. Perhaps in the conversation you'll find what you need to get and keep you moving in the right direction, so that this time next year, you'll see tangible results instead of saying I wisha, woulda, coulda...


What will you do within the next seven days to ensure you achieve your 12 month goals and objectives?

Attempt to be very specific and indicate those things that may be measured. For instance, I will download and read the Music Industry Connection Book Series by JaWar. :-) Additionally, I will apply as a songwriter and music publisher with ASCAP, BMI or SESAC. I will register my own domain name this week through a domain registrar.

Your response may look like this...

1) I will download and read the Music Industry Connection Book Series by JaWar. :-)
2) I will apply as a songwriter and music publisher with ASCAP, BMI or SESAC.
3) I will register my own domain name this week through a domain registrar.

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Leslie G. responded, JaWar I'm already doing these things. I have a blog and a website now what she asked?

I responded to Leslie by stating...

You are off to a great start and ahead of the game Leslie. Keep in mind that while there are over 1,000+ people on this site [this was in reference to the forum/site were the original post appears] very few of them do much more that set up a profile, the ones that do rarely contribute to the forums or blogs with real content to help themselves or others, it's gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!

So some of the people you'll want to network with our the ones who our posting on this forum [this was in reference to the forum/site were the original post appears]. You see this forum goes beyond conversation it forces you to put a plan in writing or on the screen and take initiative, so you'll want to build relationships with others who are doing as you are in the spirit of things.

You'll want to continue to set and accomplish 7-Day Action Plans every 7-Days. These action plans should be tied directly into your 12 month goals and objectives which should be directly tied into your 3, 5, 7 and 10 year plans.

Additionally, reread the Music Industry Connection Books you have in your possession and begin to discuss them with people on this forum and in the various Music Industry Connection Groups I've started on this and other Ning-Thing Sites [this was in reference to the forum/site were the original post appears].

You'll want to update your blog at least 1 to 3 times a week. If you update your blog just once a week within one year your blog will have 52 post. Over time you'll see how this will open new windows of opportunity for you, but you must stick to the plan and the script even when it gets tough and it seems like you are alone, you must keep going no matter what, DON'T GIVE UP!

Mention JaWar and the Music Industry Connection Book Series in some of your blogs, it will help bring you traffic. It may seem like this only helps me, but the way that I brand, market and promote myself and company has people Googling me and your blog may be one that comes up when they do. I do ask that you provide a link or three to some of my sites. Heck you could even do a review of my videos and books.

Make it a point to go to two to three music conferences outside your city before the end of this year. Get a sponsor if you need to get the money to travel, but get outside your market and use the Internet to network with people in the host city you'll be traveling to. All these things help, BUT IT TAKES TIME, this I assure you.