Music Business -Leaving Your 9 to 5

Are you ready to take the leap of faith, leave your 9 to 5 and pursue the music business full time? Do you think you're the next top-level music business executive or major hit making songwriter, recording artist or music producer/composer? Are you ready for fame and fortune the music industry offers to a select few? Before you leave your day job in search of the holy smell of fame, fortune, riches, untold wealth and respect.

15 Things to do before you leaving your 9 to 5.

1) Live below your means -spend less than you earn
2) Reduce your spending habits dramatically -cut off all none essential buying
3) Save 10% to 20% of what you currently bring home.
4) Save 6 to 12 months worth of living expenses
5) In the U.S. max out your Roth IRA if you qualify
6) Put money in retirement accounts especially if you employer matches funds
7) Eat healthier -less red meat and pork; more green leafy vegetables & fruits
8) Drink more water and 100% cranberry juice without sugar added
9) Exercise regularly
10) Create and write down a 3, 6, 9, 12 month plan
11) Create and write down a 1, 3, 5 and 10 year plan
12) Learn the tax code to reduce your tax liability
13) Read personal achievement & self-motivation books
14) Build a network of go getters and high achievers
15) Create and write down a number of ways for you to generate multiple streams of revenue.

There are a number of other things you'll want and need to consider especially if you have dependents to take care of such as a spouse, children or parents. However, the information above should get you started on a few things you'll need to work on before leaving your day job. Of course, each persons situation is a bit different than the next, so this is only a framework. You should get the general idea that before you leave your day job in high pursuit of a career in the music business that you should curtail your spending, save more money, have a practical written plan and take better care of your health as you'll more than likely be working more hours and have more stress related situations than you ever had once on your own. Your body will need all the strength it can mustard to protect you from illnesses and paying high medical bills.

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