Music Business -Time for Change

I was having a conversation with a music business conference organizer and we were discussing details about speakers presenting at their next event.

I asked the conference organizer what amount of money would the music business conference need to generate before it would pay its' presenters travel accommodations? For instance, if the conference made $250,000 in sponsorship and registration money would they comp the speakers for a plane ticket? I was told that they only get plane tickets for the keynote speaker and wasn't sure where I got $250,000 from.

I responded by saying the $250,000 is an arbitrary number. It merely represents a number as an example of what monies are needed to be generated to accommodate travel for speakers in particular JaWar (lol). The reason I brought this point up is the music business doesn't always make it a point to compensate speakers the way other industries do. The reason given is often lack of adequate funding "we don't have it in our budget." So the question is asked at what amount does a music conference need to generate to feel accommodating of it's presenters the way other industries do theirs?

As we ask this question more and more we will get to a point more often than not where speakers have their accommodations taken care of by music conference organizers. This will happen because there will be a benchmark for revenue generated that will say if the music business conference earns this amount (i.e. $250,000+) it will do this. This comes from the thought of going the extra mile rendering the best possible service at all times to all people. This is as Barack Obama -president elect stated "time for a change."

Now that's a Music Industry Connection!