Music Business Riches, Why Not?

Why don't you want to get rich?
Why don't you want to get rich from the music business?

Yesterday, I was speaking with a business associate and as we were talking about music conferences and music showcases she said she wasn't trying to get rich? WHAT!

For the record my plans are definite and call for me and those around me to get rich. The plans call for me and others around me to share the wealth with as many people as possible. Additionally, the plans call that no one compromise their personal integrity and well being of others in the process of getting rich. So I ask why don't you want to get rich? Why don't you want to get rich from the music business?

I've heard all to often of people who say "they don't want to get rich", they say "I just want to get by." It has come to my attention that it takes no more energy to say that you want to get rich than it does to say, "I just want to get buy" or "I just want to be comfortable."

The same thought and energy you put into not getting rich is the same thought and energy you could put into getting rich in the music industry and your other business ventures. Why not get rich? Now that's a Music Industry Connection.