Don't Cash That Check -Music Money

It dawned on me why people play instead of doing good business. It's because they are viewing what others are doing as a hobby and not a business. This is especially true in the music industry.

When I go into the grocery store I'm going with the intention of purchasing some goods that I may use and that are of benefit to me. I know that it will cost me a certain amount of money and for the most part there's no negotiating the price, it is what it is. Likewise when I go to the movies, buy a book, gas and clothes, I know there's a financial obligation that must be satisfied before I'm going to receive the goods and/or services.

Why then is it that in the course of doing business you have so many other variables wherein the price for goods and services changes the dynamic of the transaction?

When my team and I are at a music business conference, music showcase or other industry networking event selling the Music Industry Connection Book Series you have people that pay the price for the books without question or reservation. On the other hand there are people that want to bargain hunt on something that is of great benefit to their music business and/or music career.

What's worse than someone trying to drill you down on your price is when you have satisfied your part of the agreement and have not received payment and/or you have received a check that bounces. I know several services providers such as entertainment attorneys, music business consultants, marketing companies, music magazines and pr professionals where they've experienced not being paid for services rendered. As it's been said one time shame on you, second time shame on me.

After being burned a few times one quickly learns a few simple rules:
  1. Get as much of your money upfront as you can.
  2. Get a signed contract.
  3. Attempt to get money in this order -cash, certified check, money order, credit card, paypal.
  4. If you take checks attempt to cash them at the clients bank ASAP.
  5. Don't count your money until the check has cleared.
  6. Everybody's check is bad until it clears.
  7. Don't spend money because you think a deal is going to go through you'll be sorry.
  8. Stay focused and have multiple streams of revenue. Learn how to make money online.