Marketing in the music business online may seem like a huge task, but if you know who your target market is and what you want to accomplish you quickly are able to assess your situation and apply the time, resources and effort that may yield you great reward.
You may do a search on Google or your favorite search engine for many websites to market and sell your music. You may also get a list of over 80+ digital distribution companies from the Los Angeles Music Industry Connection Ebook.
Whatever you do -plan smart, go hard and don't stop. You must be aggressive in your marketing techniques. There will be many people who wish they had the guts to market and promote the way you do. Pay these people little attention and advance from where you are. Be relentless in your pursuit. This may mean that you drum up controversy. On one social networking community I had an entire forum/thread dedicated to me, because some thought I should be banned from the site. Later some of those same people congratulated me on my efforts.
Always attempt to bring value to others, while branding, marketing and promoting yourself. The poor, weak and helpless find it easier to complain than to be a positive force. If you know what's good for you, you'll go opposite the way of negative energy. You'll focus on your goals and objectives. You'll learn how to convert your online marketing activity to currency. You'll value your time, energy and conversation. You'll build your band. You'll embrace those who market more aggressively than yourself. You learn details about niche marketing and the long tail. You'll read books such as Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, the Music Industry Connection Book Series, the Richest Man in Babylon and Art of War, etc.
Wal-mart, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Apple are some of the most recognized brands on Earth, yet they still see a need to brand, market, promote, advertise and publicize constantly to ensure we don't forget who they are and what their selling. Perhaps if you are seeking to become financially independent you too will follow the path of multi-billion dollar corporations when it comes to marketing your brand.