"Remember back in like 1999 -2000 when everybody was trippin off Napster? Now there are all kinds of peer sharing networks and things of that nature, to where in all honesty nobody with a computer and internet access has to BUY an album if they want the music.
And then with Itunes and others like it, all you have to do is buy a single off an album and you got your favorite songs without buyin the whole album! Doesn't that hurt the industry? I remember the only way you could get singles was to go to a store and actually buy the single! Lol...its crazy now man...for real...
At this rate, I don't see how the industry is gonna survive. Or maybe its just changing.....but in my opinion its not for the better....
What's your thoughts? This is extremely important to all of us, because this is the line of work that we are all choosing for ourselves, so its definitely something to think and talk about..."
According to Urban Network Digital Sales will account for 40% of the music purchased by 2012. Don't be fooled by the media hype -Chuck D said "can't trust it!"
No sells hurts the music industry, changing sells only means a changing business model. Those who refuse to change will be put out of business i.e. Tower Records and other major & mom and pop record stores and distributors, etc.
There's a new type of company that is emerging from the flames. This company is a media company that encompasses audio-visual experience. This company overstands the need to build solid-brands in niche markets. This new type of company then markets & promotes its' brand using many of the existing and emerging technologies to come for optimum exposure. Fans want more than merely music now they want a total experience. Those brands -artists, producers, songwriters, etc. that can deliver will emerge as the new leaders in the music industry those that don't will perish.
As we expand our creative imagination will learn to tap a wealth of resources to keep our brands, music and businesses moving forward. For instance, two to three years ago this site didn't exist. However, Studio Exposed gives Bryan M. Cox and others the ability to find and sign new talent. The Studio Exposed gives aspiring new talent the ability to network with peers from around the world.
The question now is how does one get paid. If you look to the right of the screen you'll see ads on Studio Exposed. The owners of Studio Exposed and/or the web developers get paid from those ads. It would be wise to have your own website so you too can have such ads and make money online. For full details CLICK HERE!
In addition, if you had an additional product or service that was a bit different but beneficial to your peers you could make money online. For instance, the Music Industry Connection Book Series gives a wealth of practical information on the business of music.
Download the Music Industry Connection EBook Series by JaWar

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