Major record label lobby group RIAA -Recording Industry Association of America, musicFIRST Coalition and others are seeking to have big radio stations pay recording artist and record companies to play music. How does all this play out for independent recording artist, honestly it probably doesn't, unless you are connected with a group that has your best interest in mind. Join a group, a group of groups or start one, so you too can get a piece of the American Pie (just make sure you get paid in euros; the U.S. dollar seems to be loosing it's value). Get Music Money and learn to earn; make money online.
by Sue Zeidler
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Lawmakers on Tuesday introduced legislation to undo a 50-year-old exemption that lets big radio companies like Clear Channel Communications Inc and CBS Corp air songs without paying record labels or performers any royalties.
For decades, the $20 billion radio broadcasting industry has paid royalties to songwriters and music publishers for the underlying rights to the songs played on the air, but have been excused from paying royalties to artists or labels for when their sound recordings were used.
It was a long-held view within the music industry that radio airplay was a critical and necessary marketing expense.
But with music sales in a protracted decline and with new types of broadcasters, like satellite and Web radio operators, being forced to pay performance royalties, the music industry has begun pushing for compensation from terrestrial radio. Read the full story click here. This story is courtesy of