Music Business: What is Your Future?

  • Where will you be twelve (12) months from reading this blog?
  • How will you achieve your chief aim or definite purpose?
  • What will you do to upgrade your thinking?
  • Who will you choose to be part of your mastermind team?
  • How will you make money in the music business?
  • How will you monetize (make money) your online presence?
  • What will you throw away & what will you keep in way of thoughts and habits?
  • What new books will you read to enhance your thinking?

Your future in the music business is up to you. You are the creator of your reality. You are solely responsible for your failure and success. "Do the same thing get the same results - Do something different you might get different results." JaWar

Attend at least four music conferences within the next 12 months.
Read at least two music industry connection books within the next 12 months.
Meet at least five new people a day (on average) over the next 12 months.
Find at least three new ways to make money online within the next 30 days.
Smile at least once an hour.
Get up early, stay up late, grind it out no doubt.

Music Business Fame and Fortune by JaWar

JaWar, Author of the Music Industry Connection Books talks about fame and fortune in the music business. He asks is there a remedy for the drug called fame and can Music Business Fame be used to help people and build wealth? Does Fame = Fortune? To view the Music Business Fame and Fortune Video by JaWar Click Here.

Music Business: What is Your Future?